Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog 7: I am a Cyborg.

 My day starts with taking advantage of technology, I don't have a build-in clock in my head, I need an alarm clock to wake me up. Thankfully, we don't live in caves anymore because I would have to make my coffee above the fire, seems kind of funny when I'm imagining it right now, I use a coffee maker which is set on specific time. I'm always on my cell phone, mostly texting either my Mom, Dad, my sister or my friends, I need it to contact my family or find out my schedule for work. Without it, I would be cut off from social life, I think that's my biggest addiction, next to that is my addiction to my Kindle. It's my life, I love reading books and some of them are really heavy. My Kindle has internet access and an Oxford dictionary, which helps me defining words that I don't understand. I can go on Facebook or check my mail on Kindle, and it's practical if I don't have an access to my laptop. When It's hard to admit, being an addict, especially Cyborg addict. I guess it's natural to be a Cyborg because most of the people are, it's comfortable and saves time. It might not be a good thing, because what if out of no where the electricity would run out, and there would be no power to charge the electronic devices? I would be helpless, then I would have to start writing letters instead of text messages, unbelievable.             


  1. Very good detail to support your thesis that you are a Cyborg. Keep making your ideas this concrete. :-)

  2. Blog Series Evaluation 2:
    Excellent job with the entries. Keep this good work up!
